Distance Between Boundaries of UL And OL Subcells(dB)

Parameter Name

Distance Between Boundaries of UL And OL Subcells(dB)


This parameter is a relative value, which specifies the size of blank zone between the UL subcell and the OL subcell. The greater the value of this parameter is, the larger the blank zone is.

For the enhanced dualband handover algorithm, the boundaries of the OL and UL subcells are determined according to the relative value between the signal strength of serving cell and that of the adjacent cell. Suppose the signal strength of serving cell is SS(s) and the signal strength of the adjacent cell is SS(n). When SS(s) = SS(n), the system considers that it is the boundary point of the UL subcell. When SS(s) - SS(n) > Distance between Boundaries of UL And OL Subcells, it is the coverage area of the OL subcell.

GUI Value Range


Default Value






Modification Rules


Configuration Policy

The greater the value of this parameter is set, the more difficult the handover between the OL subcell and the UL subcell can be triggered.

Recommended Value


Parameter Relationship

Distance Hysteresis Between Boundaries of UL And OL Subcells(dB)

BSC Feature


Parameter Class

Parameters About Radio Resources



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