DL Qual. Lower Threshold

Parameter Name

DL Qual. Lower Threshold


When the power control step is calculated based on the signal quality, the upper threshold and the lower threshold of the quality zone are set. When the signal quality exceeds the upper threshold or is below the lower threshold, power control is performed. This parameter specifies the lower threshold of the downlink quality for power control.

The mapping between the BER and the quality level is as follows:

Level 0: BER smaller than 0.2%

Level 1: BER ranges from 0.2% to 0.4%

Level 2: BER ranges from 0.4% to 0.8%

Level 3: BER ranges from 0.8% to 1.6%

Level 4: BER ranges from 1.6% to 3.2%

Level 5: BER ranges from 3.2% to 6.4%

Level 6: BER ranges from 6.4% to 12.8%

Level 7: BER greater than 12.8%

GUI Value Range


Default Value






Modification Rules


Configuration Policy

If this parameter is set to a too great value, the quality is poor without power control. Thus, the conversation quality is degraded. If this parameter is set to a too small value, the quality is good without power control. Thus, the battery life is reduced.

Recommended Value


Parameter Relationship

When power control is performed on the BTS according to the signal quality, compare the quality of the BTS transmit signal with the DL Qual. Lower Threshold. When the signal quality level is greater than the value of this parameter, adjust the BTS power by one level upward.

BSC Feature

Power control

Parameter Class

Parameters About Radio Resources



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