Busy Threshold of TCH Traffic in Underlaid Subcell

Parameter Name

Busy Threshold of TCH Traffic in Underlaid Subcell


The BSC assigns channels in the overlaid subcell to the MS in a concentric cell. If the channel seizure ratio of overlaid subcell is greater than the value of this parameter, half-rate channels are assigned. Otherwise, full-rate channels are assigned.

Channel seizure ratio = (Num. of busy TCHF + Num. of busy TCHH/2)/ (Num. of available TCHF + Num. of available TCHH /2) x 100%. This parameter is valid for the concentric cell. When the Allow Rate Selection Based on Overlaid/Underlaid Subcell Load is set to Yes, the TCH Traffic Busy Threshold (%) is invalid for the concentric cell.

GUI Value Range


Default Value






Modification Rules


Configuration Policy

If this parameter is set to a higher value, the half-rate channels are assigned to the MS only when the channel seizure ratio of overlaid subcell is very high. Insufficient half-rate channels can be assigned to the MS. Thus, the capacity of the BSC is reduced.

If this parameter is set to a lower value, the half-rate channels are assigned to the MS only when the channel seizure ratio of overlaid subcell is very low. The calls use the half-rate channel even if there are enough full-rate channels, which influences the speech quality.

Recommended Value


Parameter Relationship


BSC Feature

Channel Management, Half-Rate Service

Parameter Class

Parameters About Radio Resources



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