Failed Assignments (No Ater Resource Available)

Measurement Counter



This measurement provides the number of failed assignments due to no Ater resource available. The counter is measured only when the GTCS subrack is configured in the BSC.


This measurement does not involve the number of failed assignments due to no Ater resource available in an inter-BSC directed retry procedure.


Integer number or integer.

Measurement Point

After sending an assignment request message to the BSC, the MSC waits for the MS to sends an assignment complete message to the BSC. This counter is measured in the following situations:

  1. In a normal assignment procedure, the BSC requests Ater resources upon receiving an assignment request message from the MSC. The counter is measured when the BSC sends an assignment failure message to the MSC due to no Ater resource available.
  2. In an intra-BSC directed retry procedure, the directed retry is triggered after the MSC sends an assignment request message to the BSC. The counter is measured when the BSC sends an assignment failure message to the MSC due to no Ater resource available.


This is an original counter without involving any formula.

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