This measurement provides the number of downlink GPRS TBF abnormal releases due to channel preemption in a granularity period. A high measurement value may be yielded because congestion occurs on the Abis interface or the dynamic PDCHs in use are occupied by the CS services. Refer to device alarms to locate the cause.
Integer number or integer.
If a PDCH is occupied by the MS for CS services with a higher priority, or if congestion occurs on the Abis interface, then the BSC releases the PDCH irrespective of the MS status. The downlink GPRS TBF that uses the PDCH as the control channel is also released. When the MS is in transmission state and the downlink GPRS TBF exists, the BSC releases the downlink GPRS TBF that uses the channel as the control channel if the channel assigned to the MS is preempted and thus no channel is available for the downlink GPRS TBF. Figure 1 shows the procedure of downlink GPRS TBF abnormal release due to channel preemption. Each time the BSC abnormally releases the downlink GPRS TBF that uses the channel as the control channel due to channel preemption (see measurement point A), the counter is incremented by one.
This is an original counter without involving any formula.