Mean Uplink Receiving Quality during Handover Initiation per Cell

Measurement Counter



After receiving a valid measurement report from an MS or a valid preprocessing measurement report from a BTS, the BSC sums up the uplink receiving quality based on the measurement report if deciding to initiate a handover. At the end of the measurement period, the BSC divides the sum by the number of handover initiations to obtain the Mean Uplink Receiving Quality during Handover Initiation.



Measurement Point



Mean Uplink Receiving Quality during Handover Initiation =

Uplink Receiving Quality during Handover Initiation/

(Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Requests+

Inter-BSC Cell Outgoing Handover Requests +

Internal Intra-Cell Handover Requests (SDCCH) +

Internal Intra-Cell Handover Requests (TCH))

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