Failed Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Timer Expired)

Measurement Counter



During the outgoing internal inter-cell handover procedure, the timer T3103 starts after the BSC sends the HO CMD to the MS. This measurement provides the number of failed outgoing internal inter-cell handovers due to the expiration of T3103, including those on the signaling channels (SDCCH/TCHF/TCHH) and traffic channels (TCHF/TCHH), and those triggered by directed retry.


Integer number or integer.

Measurement Point

As shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2, during the outgoing internal inter-cell handover procedure, the counter is measured at E when T3103 expires after the BSC sends the HO CMD to the MS.

Figure 1 Measurement of the counters related to failed outgoing internal inter-cell handover (excluding directed retry)

Figure 2 Measurement of the counters related to failed outgoing internal inter-cell handover (directed retry)


Failed Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Timer Expired) = [Failed Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Timer Expired) (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed Retry)] +

[Failed Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Timer Expired) (TCHF) (Signaling Channel)] +

[Failed Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Timer Expired) (TCHH) (Signaling Channel)] +

[Failed Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Timer Expired) (TCHF) (Traffic Channel)] +

[Failed Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Timer Expired) (TCHH) (Traffic Channel)] +

[Failed Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Timer Expired) (Directed Retry)]

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