Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Clear Cmd Times (After Handover Response)

Measurement Counter



During the outgoing external inter-cell handover, after the BSC receives an HO CMD message from the MSC, it forwards the HO CMD message to the MS and starts the timer T8 to wait for the handover completion. This counter provides the number of CLEAR CMD messages with the cause value 0x09 (Call Control) received from the MSC before T8 expires.


Integer number or integer.

Measurement Point

As shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2, this counter is measured at E2 when the BSC receives from the MSC the CLEAR CMD message with the cause value 0x09 (Call Control) during T8 timing.

Figure 1 Measurement of the counters related to failed outgoing external inter-cell handover (excluding directed retry)

Figure 2 Measurement of the counters related to failed outgoing external inter-cell handover (directed retry)


This is an original counter without involving any formula.

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