Number of Successful Attempts to Return to Normal Call from BSC Loopback

Measurement Counter



During the process where the BSC loopback is restored to a normal call, within the BSC, the call processing module initiates a loopback recovery request. If TC resources are successfully requested and the transmission channel between the Ater interface and the Abis interface is successfully reconnected, a loopback recovery acknowledgement message (loopback success) is returned to the call processing module initiating the loopback recovery. The call is restored to a normal one.

This measurement provides the number of successful attempts to return to normal call from BSC loopback. This measurement is used to calculate the BSC loopback to normal call success rate.


Integer number or integer.

Measurement Point

At the end of the granularity period, this counter is calculated by using the following formula.


Number of Successful Attempts to Return to Normal Call from BSC Loopback =

[Number of Attempts to Return to Normal Call from BSC Loopback]-

[Number of Failures to Return to Normal Call from BSC Loopback]

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