This measurement provides the number of successful conversions from the TCH to the PDTCH in a cell in a granularity period. Based on Number of Successful TCH to PDTCH Conversions and Number of TCH to PDTCH Conversion Attempts, the rate of successful dynamic channel requests can be obtained. If the request for dynamic channel fails, you can infer that the traffic of the BSC is too high or the channel state of the BSC is abnormal. If multiple requests for dynamic channel fail or the rate of successful dynamic PDTCH requests is lower than 80%, you can infer that the traffic of the BSC is high or the channel state of the BSC is abnormal. The number of fixed PDTCHs can be increased to expand the PS capacity.
Integer number or integer.
In a granularity period, every time a TCH is successfully converted to a PDTCH, the counter is incremented by one
This is an original counter without involving any formula.