Total Frame Erasion Rate of the FR in the Customized MR

Measurement Counter



When decoding the customized extended MR or pre-processed customized extended MR from the BTS, the BSC checks whether the DelFrame cell is contained in the MS. If the cell is contained, and the MS is from the TCHF, then the BSC decodes the value of the DelFrame and this counter is incremented by the value of the DelFrame.

Frame erasion rate reflects the bit error rate of the frames received by the DSP on the TRX of the BTS.



Measurement Point

After receiving a customized extended MR or pre-processed customized extended MR from the BTS over the TCHF, the BSC decodes the MR. The counter is incremented by the value of the DelFrame when the DelFrame cell is contained in the MS and the BSC decodes the value of the DelFrame.


This is an original counter without involving any formula.

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