This measurement provides the number of intra-BSC intra-cell handover requests of all the cells controlled by a BSC (underlaid subcell to overlaid subcell).
This counter shows the frequency of underlaid-to-overlaid handover requests initiated by the current cell. According to the counters Internal Intra-Cell Handover Commands per BSC and Successful Internal Intra-Cell Handovers per BSC, the internal intra-cell handover per BSC can be well understood.
The idle neighbor cell is selected first as the target cell of the intra-BSC handover. In the case that the neighbor cell and the source cell are in different basic frame modules of the same BSC, and the channel usage of the neighbor cell cannot be obtained, the cell is assumed as idle by the algorithm. If all neighbor cells of the source cell are congested, the default neighbor cell (that is, the first one in the list of handover candidate neighbor cells) is selected even though it is congested. This counter is measured when the selected neighbor cell is the source cell. It is not measured when the object overlaid or underlaid subcell is congested.
Integer number or integer.
BSC counters are calculation counters. This counter is measured according to the formula below when the measurement period ends. For details on the measurement point, see "Measurement Point" of each counter in the formula.
Attempted Handovers per BSC (Underlaid Subcell to Overlaid Subcell) = Internal Intra-Cell Handover Requests (Underlay to Overlay)
[(That is, the total of the original counter Internal Intra-Cell Handover Requests (Underlay to Overlay) in all the cells of the BSC.)]