Number of Calls Originated or Terminated by MSs Supporting E-GSM Band per BSC

Measurement Counter



This measurement provides the number of calls originated or terminated by MSs that support E-GSM band in all cells under the BSC.


Integer number or integer.

Measurement Point

When the "Band 2 supported" bit in the "Multiband Supported" field in classmark 3 is set to "0x01" and besides the sent message does not include the "R Support" field, this measurement is triggered if any of the following situations occurs: the MS sends the classmark change message; the MSC sends the classmark update message; the incoming BSC handover is complete.


Number of Calls Originated or Terminated by MSs Supporting E-GSM Band per BSC = Number of Calls Originated or Terminated by MSs Supporting E-GSM Band

(the sum of the number of calls originated or terminated by MSs supporting E-GSM band in all cells under the BSC)

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