After you create a hyperlink, you can change the behavior of the hyperlink or change the target location of the link. To display the <A>
Property Page, open the Document Outline window and select the appropriate <A>
node, then choose Property Pages from the View menu.
Link type
After you create a link, the associated protocol appears in this field. You can select another protocol or retain the current setting. Available file types are:
File Type | Result |
ftp | Jump to an ftp site |
Gopher | Jump to a gopher site |
http | Jump to another Web page |
https | Jump to a secure Web page |
mailto | Send e-mail |
News | Jump to a news server |
telnet | Jump to a telnet (text-based) site |
wais | Jump to a wide area information server |
File | Download a file and open it |
(other) | Jump to a file in your Web directory |
Specifies the file type and full path to the target of the hyperlink. To select a different link location, either type a new path or click the Browse button to open the Create URL dialog box and navigate to a specific file.
Create bookmark
Specifies a name that can serve as a target for jumps within the same Web page. For instance, you might create a bookmark called Top at the top of a page. You can then type text, such as To Top, at the bottom of the page, select the text, and create a link to the Top bookmark at the top of the page. When a user clicks To Top, the page is redisplayed in the browser at Top bookmark.
Frame target
Specifies a frame within a frameset in which the hyperlinked document appears. You can enter the actual name of the target frame, or use special terms like _parent and _top to express the position of the target frame relative to the current one.
Note To enable frame target and pop-up text, you must set the targetSchema to HTML 4.0.
Selection | Behavior |
_blank | Linked document opens in new, blank browser window. |
_parent | Linked document opens in parent frame. |
_self | Linked document opens in the same frame that contains the link. |
_top | Linked document opens in the topmost frame. |
Popup text
Specifies the text that displays when the mouse pointer hovers over the hyperlink. For example, if you type Click to View, the following is added to the opening <A> tag:
<A TITLE="Click to View">