Searching and Replacing
You can find and replace text using a variety of techniques. For example, you can use the Find, Replace, Find in Files, or Replace in Files dialog boxes. You can also search without a dialog box by using incremental search or the Find/Command box. These techniques allow you to control the scope of find and replace and choose the method of reviewing search matches and replacements.
You should consider the following information when you search and replace text:
- Options set in the Find, Replace, Find in Files, and Replace in Files dialog boxes are global. That is, certain options selected in one dialog box are selected for all the dialogs. These options are Match case, Match whole word, Search all open documents, Wildcards, and Regular Expressions. This rule also applies to the Find/Command box.
- Undo is available only for documents left open after a replace operation.
- Undo for a Replace All operation that spans more than one file is considered a single, bulk action across all the affected files that were left open.
- Generally, you cannot search items with graphical structural views, such as Design View of the HTML editor.