Customizing Shortcut Keys

Shortcut key combinations make it easier to complete common tasks. For example, Ctrl+C allows you to quickly copy a selected item to the clipboard.

To create or modify a shortcut key for any command

  1. Select Options from the Tools menu.
  2. In the Options dialog box, open the Environment folder.
  3. Choose Keyboard.

    When you remap existing shortcuts or assign new shortcuts to commonly used commands, you should choose a defined Keyboard mapping scheme and then create a copy for your personal use. Whereas system shortcuts in default keyboard mapping schemes cannot be modified, custom mapping schemes can.

  4. On the Keyboard page select a Keyboard mapping scheme.
  5. Choose Save As.
  6. In the Save Scheme dialog box, type a name for your new scheme.
  7. Click OK.

    Note   Until modified, custom keyboard mapping schemes retain the shortcut assignments of the scheme on which they were based.

  8. In the Show commands containing text box, type a command-related keyword. For example, if you want to create a shortcut that will open a new solution, you might type "solution" in this text box.
  9. Search for and select the appropriate command in the scrolling list box.
  10. From the Use new shortcut in drop-down list, select the environment in which you wish to use your new shortcut. Choose Global if you want the shortcut to work in all contexts.
  11. Place your cursor in the Press shortcut key(s) text box.
  12. Press and hold a non-text key or combination of non-text keys (Alt, Ctrl, or Shift, for example) and type the text key of your choice.
  13. Choose Assign and OK.