General, T-SQL80, Text Editor, Options Dialog Box

This dialog box allows you to change the T-SQL80 settings for the Code/Text Editor. You can access the Options dialog box from the Tools menu.


Enable virtual space

When selected, allows you to move the cursor beyond the physical end of a line of text into character spaces that do not exist. If you move your cursor out into this area and begin typing, the void between your current position and the end of the last word is automatically filled with space characters. When this setting is not selected, you cannot move the cursor beyond the last character in a line.

Word wrap

When selected, lines that extend horizontally beyond the visible range of the Editor are automatically wrapped to the next line.


Line numbers

When selected, a line number displays to the left of each line of text.

Enable single-click URL navigation

When selected, URLs embedded in the text require only a single mouse click to navigate to their Web page.