The table below lists the default key combinations available for the Default Settings keyboard scheme.
Command Name | Shortcut Keys | Description |
Build.BuildSolution | CTRL + SHIFT + B | Builds the solution. |
Debug.Autos | CTRL + ALT + V, A | Displays the Auto window to view the values of variables currently in the scope of the current line of execution within the current procedure. |
Debug.Break | CTRL + ALT+ Break | Temporarily stops execution of all processes in a debugging session. Available only in run mode. |
Debug.Breakpoints | CTRL + ALT + B | Displays the Breakpoints dialog box, where you can add and modify breakpoints. |
Debug.CallStack | CTRL + ALT + C | Displays the Call Stack window to display a list of all active procedures or stack frames for the current thread of execution. Available only in run mode. |
Debug.ClearAllBreakpoints | CTRL + SHIFT + F9 | Clears all of the breakpoints in the project. |
Debug.Immediate | CTRL + ALT + I | Displays the Immediate window, where you can evaluate expressions and execute individual commands. |
Debug.Locals | CTRL + ALT + V, L | Displays the Locals window to view the variables and their values for each procedure in the current stack frame. |
Debug.NewBreakpoint | ALT + F9, N | |
Debug.QuickWatch | CTRL + ALT + Q | Displays the Quick Watch dialog box with the current value of the selected expression. Available only in break mode. Use this command to check the current value of a variable, property, or other expression for which you have not defined a watch expression. |
Debug.Restart | CTRL + SHIFT + F5 | Terminates a debugging session, rebuilds, and then starts running the application from the beginning again. Available in break and run modes. |
Debug.RunningDocuments | CTRL + ALT + N | Displays the Running Documents window that displays the set of documents that are in the process you are debugging. Available in run mode. |
Debug.RunToCursor | CTRL + F10 | In break mode, resumes execution of your code from the current statement to the selected statement. The Current Line of Execution margin indicator appears in the Margin Indicator bar. In design mode, starts the debugger and executes your code to the cursor location. |
Debug.SetNextStatement | CTRL + SHIFT + F10 | Sets the execution point to the line of code you choose. |
Debug.ShowNextStatement | ALT + NUM * | Highlights the next statement to be executed. |
Debug.Start | F5 | Automatically attaches the debugger and runs the application from the startup form specified in the <Project> Properties dialog box. Changes to Continue if in break mode. |
Debug.StartWithoutDebugging | CTRL + F5 | Runs the code without invoking the debugger. |
Debug.StepInto | F11 | Executes code one statement at a time, following execution into function calls. |
Debug.StepOut | SHIFT + F11 | Executes the remaining lines of a function in which the current execution point lies. |
Debug.StepOver | F10 | Executes the next line of code but does not follow execution through any function calls. |
Debug.StopDebugging | SHIFT + F5 | Stops running the current application in the program. Available in break and run modes. |
Debug.ToggleBreakpoint | F9 | Sets or removes a breakpoint at the current line. |
Debug.Watch | CTRL + ALT + W | Displays the Watch window to view the values of selected variables or watch expressions. |
Edit.BreakLine | ENTER | |
Edit.CharLeft | Left Arrow | Moves the cursor left one character. |
Edit.CharLeftExtend | SHIFT + Left Arrow | Moves the cursor left one character, extending the selection. |
Edit.CharLeftExtendColumn | SHIFT + ALT + Left Arrow | Moves the cursor left one character, extending the column selection. |
Edit.CharRight | Right Arrow | Moves the cursor one character to the right. |
Edit.CharRightExtend | SHIFT + Right Arrow | Moves the cursor right one character, extending the selection. |
Edit.CharRightExtendColumn | SHIFT + ALT + Right Arrow | Moves the cursor right one character, extending the column selection. |
Edit.CharTranspose | CTRL + T | Swaps the characters on either side of the insertion point. For example, AC|BD becomes AB|CD. |
Edit.ClearBookmarks | CTRL + K, CTRL + L | Removes all unnamed bookmarks in the current document. |
Edit.ColllapseToDefinitions | CTRL + M, CTRL + O | |
Edit.CommentSelection | CTRL + K, CTRL + C | |
Edit.CompleteWord | ALT + Right Arrow | Displays Word Completion based on the current language. |
Edit.Copy | CTRL + C | Copies the currently selected item to the system clipboard. |
Edit.Cut | CTRL + X | Removes the currently selected item to the system clipboard. |
Edit.CycleClipboardRing | CTRL + SHIFT + INS CTRL + SHIFT + V |
Pastes an item from the Clipboard Ring tab of the Toolbox at the insertion point in the file and automatically selects the pasted item. You can review each item on the Clipboard by repeatedly pressing the shortcut keys. |
Edit.Delete | DELETE | Deletes one character to the right of the cursor. |
Edit.DeleteBackwords | BACKSPACE | Deletes one character to the left of the cursor. |
Edit.DeletefromModel | CTRL + DEL | |
Edit.DeleteHorizontalWhitespace | CTRL + K, CTRL + \ | Collapses white space in the selection, or deletes white space adjacent to the cursor if no selection. |
Edit.DocumentEnd | CTRL + END | Moves the insertion point to the last line of the document. |
Edit.DocumentEndExtend | CTRL + SHIFT + END | Selects the text from the insertion point to the last line of the document. |
Edit.DocumentStart | CTRL + HOME | Moves the insertion point to the first line of the document. |
Edit.DocumentStartExtend | CTRL + SHIFT + HOME | Selects the text from the insertion point to the first line of the document. |
Edit.Find | CTRL + F CTRL + D |
Displays the Find dialog box. |
Edit.FindNext | F3 | Finds the next occurrence of the previous search text. |
Edit.FindNextSelected | CTRL + F3 | Finds the next occurrence of the currently selected text in the document. |
Edit.FindPrevious | SHIFT + F3 | Finds the previous occurrence of the search text. |
Edit.FindPreviousSelected | CTRL + SHIFT + F3 | Finds the previous occurrence of the currently selected text, or the word at the caret. |
Edit.FindSymbol | CTRL + SHIFT + Y | |
Edit.FormatSelection | CTRL + K, CTRL + F | Correctly indents the selected lines of code based on the surrounding lines of code. |
Edit.GoTo | CTRL + G | Displays the Go To Line dialog box. |
Edit.GoToBrace | CTRL + ] | Moves the insertion point to the next brace in the document. |
Edit.GoToBraceExtend | CTRL + SHIFT + ] | Moves the insertion point to the next brace, extending the selection. |
Edit.GoToDeclaration | CTRL + ALT + F12 | Displays the definition of the selected symbol in the code. |
Edit.GoToDefinition | CTRL + F12 | Displays the declaration for the selected symbol in code. |
Edit.GoToFindCombo | CTRL + D | Places the caret in the Find/Command line on the Standard toolbar. |
Edit.GoToNextLocation | F12 | Moves the cursor to the next item, such as a task in the Task List window or a search match in the Find Results window. Each time you press F12, you move to the next item in the list. |
Edit.GoToPreviousLocation | SHIFT + F12 | Moves the cursor to the previous item in the Task List window or Find Results window. |
Edit.HiddenText | ALT + F3, H | Selects or clears the Search Hidden Text option for Find dialog box. |
Edit.HideSelection | CTRL + M, CTRL + H | Hides the selected text. A signal icon marks the location of the hidden text in the file. |
Edit.IncrementalSearch | CTRL + I | Starts incremental search. If incremental search is started, but you have not typed any characters, recalls the previous pattern. If text has been found, searches for the next occurrence. |
Edit.InsertTab | TAB | Indents the line of text a specified number of spaces, such as five. |
Edit.LineCut | CTRL + L | Cuts all selected lines, or the current line if nothing has been selected, to the clipboard. |
Edit.LineDelete | CTRL + SHIFT + L | Deletes all selected lines, or the current line if no selection has been made. |
Edit.LineDown | Down Arrow | Moves the cursor down one line. |
Edit.LineDownExtend | SHIFT + Down Arrow | Extends text selection down one line, starting at the location of the insertion point. |
Edit.LineDownExtendColumn | SHIFT + ALT + Down Arrow | Moves the cursor down one line, extending the column selection. |
Edit.LineEnd | END | Moves the cursor to the end of the current line. |
Edit.LineEndExtend | SHIFT + END | Selects text from the insertion point to the end of the current line. |
Edit.LineEndExtendColumn | SHIFT + ALT + END | Moves the insertion point to the end of the line, extending the column selection. |
Edit.LineOpenAbove | CTRL + ENTER | Inserts a blank line above the insertion point. |
Edit.LineOpenBelow | CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER | Inserts a blank line below the insertion point. |
Edit.LineStart | HOME | Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line. |
Edit.LineStartExtend | SHIFT + HOME | Selects text from the insertion point to the start of the line. |
Edit.LineStartExtendColumn | SHIFT + ALT + HOME | Moves the insertion point to the start of the line, extending the column selection. |
Edit.LineTranspose | SHIFT + ALT + T | Moves the line containing the insertion point below the next line. |
Edit.LineUp | Up Arrow | Moves the cursor up one line. |
Edit.LineUpExtend | SHIFT + Up Arrow | Selects text up line by line starting from the location of the insertion point. |
Edit.LineUpExtendColumn | SHIFT + ALT + Up Arrow | Moves the cursor up one line, extending the column selection. |
Edit.ListMembers | CTRL + J | Lists members of current class for statement completion when editing code. Available only in HTML view of the HTML Editor. |
Edit.MakeLowercase | CTRL + U | Changes the selected text to lowercase characters. |
Edit.MakeUppercase | CTRL + SHIFT + U | Changes the selected text to uppercase characters. |
Edit.MatchCase | ALT + F3, C. | Selects or clears the Match Case option for find and replace operations. |
Edit.NextBookmark | CTRL + K, CTRL + N | Moves to the next bookmark in the document. |
Edit.OverTypeMode | INSERT | Toggles between insert and overtype insertion modes. Available only when working in text editors. |
Edit.PageDown | PAGE DOWN | Scrolls down one screen in the editor window. |
Edit.PageDownExtend | SHIFT + Page Down | Extends selection down one page. |
Edit.PageUp | PAGE UP | Scrolls up one screen in the editor window. |
Edit.PageUpExtend | SHIFT + Page Up | Extends selection up one page. |
Edit.ParameterInfo | CTRL + SHIFT + SPACEBAR | Displays a tool tip that contains information for the current parameter, based on the current language. Only available in HTML view of the HTML Editor. |
Edit.Paste | CTRL + V | Inserts the Clipboard contents at the insertion point. |
Edit.PreviousBookmark | CTRL + K, CTRL + P | Moves to the previous bookmark. |
Edit.QuickInfo | CTRL + K, CTRL + I | Displays Quick Info, based on the current language. |
Edit.Redo | CTRL + SHIFT + Z | Restores the previously undone action. |
Edit.RegularExpression | ALT + F3 + R | Selects or clears the Regular expression option so that special characters can be used in find and replace operations. |
Edit.Replace | CTRL + H | Displays the Replace dialog box. |
Edit.ReverseIncrementalSearch | CTRL + SHIFT + I | Changes the direction of incremental search to begin at the bottom of the file and progress towards the top. |
Edit.ScrollLineDown | CTRL + Down Arrow | Scrolls text down one line. Available in text editors only. |
Edit.ScrollLineUp | CTRL + Up Arrow | Scrolls text up one line. Available in text editors only. |
Edit.SelectAll | CTRL + A | Selects everything in the current document. |
Edit.SelectCurrentWord | CTRL + W | Selects the word containing the insertion point or the word to the right of the insertion point. |
Edit.SelectionCancel | ESC | |
Edit.StopHidingCurrent | CTRL + M, CTRL + U | Displays previously hidden text. |
Edit.StopOutlining | CTRL + M, CTRL + P | Diplays all previously hidden text in the file. |
Edit.SwapAnchor | CTRL + R, CTRL + P | Swaps the anchor and end points of the current selection. |
Edit.TabLeft | SHIFT + TAB | Moves selected lines left one tab stop. |
Edit.ToggleAllOutlining | CTRL + M, CTRL + L | Toggles all previously marked hidden text sections between hidden and display states. |
Edit.ToggleBookmark | CTRL + K, CTRL + K | Sets or removes a bookmark at the current line. |
Edit.ToggleOutliningExpansion | CTRL + M, CTRL + M | Toggles the currently selected hidden text section between the hidden and display state. |
Edit.ToggleTaskListShortcut | CTRL + K, CTRL + H | Sets or removes a shortcut at the current line. |
Edit.ToggleWordWrap | CTRL +R, CTRL + R | Enables or disables word wrap in an editor. |
Edit.UncommentSelection | CTRL + K, CTRL + U | |
Edit.Undo | ALT + BACKSPACE CTRL + Z |
Reverses the last editing action. |
Edit.Up | ALT + F3, B | |
Edit.ViewBottom | CTRL + Page Down | Moves to the bottom of the current document. HTML Editor |
Edit.ViewBottomExtend | CTRL + SHIFT + Page Down | Moves the cursor to the last line in view, extending the selection. |
Edit.ViewTop | CTRL + Page Up (Save File As) | Moves to the top of the current window. |
Edit.ViewTopExtend | CTRL + SHIFT + Page Up | Extends the selection to the top of the current window. |
Edit.ViewWhiteSpace | CTRL + R, CTRL + W | Toggles the visibility of white space characters. |
Edit.WholeWord | ALT + F3 + W | Selects or clears the Match whole word option for find and replace operations. |
Edit.Wildcard | ALT + F3 + P | Selects or clears the Wildcard option for find and replace operations. |
Edit.WordDeleteToEnd | CTRL + DEL | Deletes the word to the right of the insertion point. |
Edit.WordDeleteToStart | CTRL + BACKSPACE | Deletes the word to the left of the insertion point. |
Edit.WordNext | CTRL + Right Arrow | Moves the insertion point right one word. |
Edit.WordNextExtend | CTRL + SHIFT + Right Arrow | Extends the selection one word to the right. |
Edit.WordNextExtendColumn | CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + Right Arrow | Moves the cursor right one word, extending the column selection. |
Edit.WordPrevious | CTRL + Left Arrow | Moves the insertion point left one word. |
Edit.WordPreviousExtend | CTRL + SHIFT + Left Arrow | Extends the selection one word to the left. |
Edit.WordPreviousExtendColumn | CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + Left Arrow | Moves the cursor left one word, extending the column selection. |
Edit.WordTranspose | CTRL + SHIFT + T | Transposes the words on either side of the insertion point. |
File.NewFile | CTRL + N | Displays the New File dialog box where you can select a new file to add to the current project. |
File.OpenFile | CTRL + O | Displays the Open File dialog box where you can select to open an existing file. |
File.Print | CTRL + P | Displays the Print dialog box where you can choose printer settings. |
File.SaveAll | CTRL + SHIFT + S | Saves all documents in the current solution and any files in the external files project. |
File.SaveSelectedItems | CTRL + S | Saves the selected items in the current project. |
Format.Bold | CTRL + B | Toggles the selected text between bold and normal. Available only in Design view of the HTML Designer. |
. | ||
Format.DecreaseIndent | CTRL + SHIFT + T | Removes an indent level previously applied with Increase Indent. |
Format.IncreaseIndent | CTRL + T | Indents the selected paragraph by one indent unit. |
Format.Italic | CTRL + I | Toggles the selected text between italic and normal. |
Format.LockElement | CTRL + SHIFT + K | Prevents an absolutely positioned element from being inadvertently moved. |
Format.Underline | CTRL + U | Toggles the selected text between underlined and normal. |
Help.Contents | CTRL + ALT + F1 | Displays the Contents window for the documentation contained in MSDN. |
Help.DynamicHelp | CTRL + F1 | Displays the Dynamic Help window. |
Help.F1Help | F1 | Displays a topic from help that corresponds to the current user interface selected. |
Help.Index | CTRL + ALT + F2 | Displays the Index window for the documentation contained in MSDN. |
Help.Search | CTRL + ALT + F3 | Displays the Find Help dialog box. |
Insert.Bookmark | CTRL + SHIFT + L | Only available in Design view of the HTML Editor. |
Insert.DIV | CTRL + J | Inserts <div></div> in the current HTML document. Only available in Design view of the HTML Editor. |
Insert.Hyperlink | CTRL + L | When text is selected, displays the Hyperlink dialog box. Only available in Design view of the HTML Editor. |
Insert.Image | CTRL + SHIFT + W | Displays the Insert Image dialog box. Only available in Design view of the HTML Editor. |
Tools.CommandWindowMarkMode | CTRL + SHIFT + M | |
Tools.GoToCommandLine | CTRL + / | Places the caret in the Find/Command line on the Standard toolbar. |
Tools.ShowGrid | CTRL + G | Toggles snap to grid. Only available in Design view of the HTML Editor. |
Tools.SnapToGrid | CTRL + SHIFT + G | Specifies that elements are aligned using an invisible grid. You can set grid spacing on the Design View pane of HTML options in the Options dialog box, and the grid will be changed the next time you open a document. Only available in Design view of the HTML Editor. |
View.Details | CTRL + SHIFT + Q | Displays signal icons for HTML elements that do not have a visual representation, such as comments, scripts, and anchors for absolutely positioned elements. Available only in Design View of the HTML Editor. |
View.DocumentOutline | CTRL + ALT + T | Displays the Document Outline window to view the flat or hierarchical outline of the current document. |
View.FullScreen | SHIFT + ALT + ENTER | Toggles Full Screen mode on and off. |
View.NavigateBackward | CTRL + - | Goes back to the previous document or window in the navigation history. |
View.NavigateForward | CTRL + SHIFT + - | Moves forward to the document or window next in the navigation history. |
View.NextView | CTRL + PAGE DOWN | Only available in Design view of the HTML Designer. |
View.ObjectBrowser | CTRL + ALT + J | Displays the Object Browser to view the classes, properties, methods, events, and constants available for packages and object libraries and the procedures in your project. |
View.ObjectBrowserBack | ALT + - | |
View.ObjectBrowserForward | SHIFT + ALT + - | |
View.PropertiesWindow | F4 | Displays the Properties window, which lists the design-time properties and events for the currently selected item. |
View.PropertyPages | SHIFT + F4 | Displays the property pages for the item currently selected. |
View.ShowReferences | ALT + F12 | |
View.SolutionExplorer | CTRL + ALT + L | Displays Project Explorer, which lists projects and files. |
View.Toolbox | CTRL + ALT + X | Displays the Toolbox, which contains controls and other items that can be included or used with your code. |
View.ViewCode | F7 | Displays the selected item in Code view of the editor. |
View.ViewDesigner | SHIFT + F7 | Displays the selected item in Design view of the editor. |
View.VisibleBorders | CTRL + Q | Displays a 1-pixel border around HTML elements that support a BORDER attribute and has it set to zero, such as tables, table cells, and divisions. Only available in Design view of the HTML Editor. |
Window.ActivateDocumentWindow | ESC | Closes a menu or dialog box, cancels an operation in progress, or places focus in the current document window. |
Window.CloseDocumentWindow | CTRL + F4 | Closes the current MDI child window. |
Window.CloseToolWindow | SHIFT + ESC | Closes the current tool window. |
Window.MoveToDropDownBar | CTRL + F2 | Moves the cursor to the drop-down bar while the editor is in Code view. |
Window.NextDocumentWindow | CTRL + TAB | Cycle through the MDI child windows one window at a time. |
Window.NextPane | ALT + F6 | Moves to the next tool window. |
Window.NextSplitPane | F6 | Moves to the next pane of a split pane view of a single document. |
Window.NextTab | CTRL + Page Down | Moves to the next tab in the document or window. |
Window.PreviousDocumentWindow | CTRL + SHIFT + TAB | Moves to the previous document in the editor or designer. |
Window.PreviousPane | SHIFT + ALT + F6 | Moves to the previously selected window. |
Window.PreviousSplitPane | SHIFT + F6 | Moves to the previous pane of a document in split pane view. |
Window.PreviousTab | CTRL + Page UP | Moves to the previous tab in the document or window. |