2.6 Create Views

After you figure out you want to use a view, the trick is to create it by using the designer. This How-To explains how to do this from within Visual Studio .NET, including specifying sort order and criteria.

Now that you have your tables created, with relationships in place, you can add data by double-clicking the table name in the Server Explorer. I also know how to bind forms and controls to data using data binding from the last chapter. How do you create views, using VS .NET?


Within SQL Server, you can view and manipulate data using one of three ways:

You can find more on stored procedures in How-To 2.7.

When you want to have various views of your data that you will want to use throughout your application(s), you can create views to do so. You can then use the view to populate forms, controls, and reports.



In versions of SQL Server prior to 2000, use of views was frowned upon because of performance and sorting limitations, among other reasons. This has changed with 2000, where views are more flexible and offer better performance.

Within Visual Studio .NET, you can create, update, and delete SQL Server views all from within the Server Explorer, within the desired database. To work with views, you will use the Views Designer. For new views, you will choose New View while right-clicking on the Views node in the database. If you're editing, choose Design View while right-clicking on the desired view. You will then be taken into the View Designer, as shown in Figure 2.10, with the view called Current Product List.

Figure 2.10. Using the View Designer, you can see the tables you want to include, the fields you are using, the SQL Statement created, and even the data that will be returned.


As you can see from Figure 2.9, the View Designer has the four main areas mentioned:


To learn how to create a view in Visual Studio .NET, you will create a view that displays all the orders for a given date, including the owners of each of the orders. You will also have the view sorted by CompanyName, then OrderID.

Open the Server Explorer and expand the Northwind database.

  1. Right-click on the icon on the Views node and select New View from the menu. The Add Table dialog box will then be opened. From the menu, you will select the tables, views, or functions that you want to include in the view.

  2. Select Customers. Then, holding down the Ctrl key, select the Orders table. Click Add and then click Close. The tables will then be dropped into the Diagram pane, and you will be presented with the View Designer.

    One thing to notice is the symbol shown between the two tables, displayed in Figure 2.11. The symbol chosen by default in this case represents an inner join. An inner join is when values in the first table must match values from the second table, using the join column which, in this case, is CustomerID.

    Figure 2.11. Using this menu, you can specify how you want the tables to be joined.


    You can see the symbols for the other two types of joins displayed in the right-click menu. These types of joins include Left Outer Join (Select All Rows From Customers) and Right Outer Join (Select All Rows From Orders.) Using the various types of joins, you can alter the data results that are returned.

  3. Place checkmarks in the CompanyName column, from the Customers table, and then the OrderID and OrderDate columns, located in the Orders table. When you place the checkmark in the columns, you will see both the Grid pane and the SQL pane fill out, provided you have them showing.

  4. Next, type the expression = '7/19/1996' into the Criteria column of OrderDate, located in the Grid pane. If you just type the date, VS will place the other values around it. You have now added criteria. Only those orders with this date will be returned.

  5. Pick Ascending for the Sort Type of the CompanyName and OrderID columns. Notice that Sort Order will be filled in automatically, depending on the order in which you pick the Sort Type.

How It Works

When you click on the Run Query command, which is an icon on the toolbar, you will see two records displayed in the Results pane.


After a view has been created, you can use it in various ways throughout your applications. In the next chapter, you will see examples of using views with ADO.NET to populate various controls. You can also use view within views, store procedures, and user-defined functions. This is handy when you have a set of results that you want to use consistently in your applications and they rely on more than one table.