
Creates an updown control on the form.




ContextMenu Allow to attach ContextMenu to the control. ContextMenu should be created first.
Cursor This property define what cursor will be showed when mouse over the control.
Enabled This is True by default. Set it to False to generate disabled control. This will add GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) line.
Left, Top Position of control relative to it's parent.
Width, Height Size of control in pixels.
Hint This property containing text that will appear when mouse cursor is over control. This will add GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Your hint text") line. Note: don't forget to set ShowHint property to make hint visible.
Max Maximal value that updown can change to.
Min Minimal value from what updown can change.
Name Unique name of control, this define name of variable, where control ID will kept. It also can be empty, in this case variable will not generate.
Position Current value of updown-input pair.
OnClick??? Standard control event.
ShowHint This property enable hint showing.
TabOrder This property define in wich orders controls will be created. This is meaningful when you want switch between controls with Tab key. You also can use visual TabOrder editor. Tab order is start from 0.
Visible This is True by default. Set it to False to generate hidden control. This will add GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_HIDE) line.



Updown will not generate any code until it will be attached to input control.