Koda using standard Delphi color convention for color properties. If you not familiar with this, you can just open standard Windows color dialog by double clicking property.

All standard colors in Koda are text aliases starts with "cl" prefix. Some of them represent actual colors, some - system colors, that can be changed by user. In table below values for all aliases. For special color values defaults are for Classic WinXP theme.

System colors

clActiveBorder "Active border" system color
clActiveCaption "Active title" system color
clAppWorkSpace "Application working space"
clBackground "Background" system color
clBtnFace "Button face" system color
clBtnHighlight "Button highlight" system color
clBtnShadow "Button shadow" system color
clBtnText "Button text" system color
clCaptionText "Title text" system color
clGradientActiveCaption "Gradient active title" system color
clGradientInactiveCaption   "Gradient inactive title" system color
clGrayText "Grayed text" system color
clHighlight "Highlight" system color
clHighlightText "Highlight text" system color
clHotlight "Hotlight selection" system color
clInactiveBorder "Inactive border" system color
clInactiveCaption "Inactive title" system color
clInactiveCaptionText "Inactive title text" system color
clInfoBk "Info window" system color
clInfoText "Info text" system color
clMenu "Menu" system color
clMenuBar "Menu bar" system color
clMenuHighlight "Menu highlight" system color
clMenuText "Menu text" system color
clScrollbar "Scrollbar" system color
cl3DDkShadow "Button dark shadow" system color
cl3DLight "Button light" system color
clWindow "Window" system color
clWindowFrame "Window frame" system color
clWindowText "Window text" system color

Standard colors

clBlack 0x000000
clMaroon 0x800000
clGreen 0x008000
clOlive 0x808000
clNavy 0x000080
clPurple 0x800080
clTeal 0x008080
clGray 0x808080
clSilver 0xC0C0C0
clRed 0xFF0000
clLime 0x00FF00
clYellow 0xFFFF00
clBlue 0x0000FF
clFuchsia 0xFF00FF
clAqua 0x00FFFF
clWhite 0xFFFFFF
clMoneyGreen   0xC0DCC0
clSkyBlue 0xA6CAF0
clCream 0xFFFBF0
clMedGray 0xA0A0A4


Virtual control

