Compound graphs include more than one graph positioned in the same display. In STATISTICA compound graphs include:
Graphs menu graphs specified using the Categorized tab from the graph specification dialogs or using Categorized Graphs from the Graphs menu.
Certain types of Graphs menu graphs that display different graph types on a single graph, such as scatterplots with box plots, scatterplots with histograms, and matrix plots.
Certain specialized graphs made from the dialogs of statistical procedures (e.g., X-bar and R Charts in the Quality Control module).
User-defined compound graphs specified using either the Multiple Graph Layouts Wizard or Template (see the following section).
There are two classes of compound graphs in STATISTICA: multiple graphs (see the first two bullets, above) and graphs that comprise a collection of independent graphs (see the last two bullets). For multiple graphs, there is one Graph Options dialog for all plots of the same type (e.g., all the scatterplots in a matrix plot are controlled via the same Graph Options dialog, so if you increase the font size on the x-axis title in one plot, the font size on the x-axis will be increased in all plots). For compound graphs made via the AutoLayout Wizard, Template, or from the dialogs of statistical procedures, the individual graphs can be accessed and edited individually.