Graphs - 2D Graphs - Line Plots (Variables)

Select Line Plots (Variables) from the Graphs - 2D Graphs menu to display the 2D Line Plots dialog. In line plots, individual data points are plotted as one line in the sequence they are encountered in the input datafile, providing a simple way to visually present a sequence of values. Line plots can also be used to plot continuous functions, theoretical distributions, etc.

STATISTICA offers five types of line plots: Regular, Multiple, Double-Y, XY Trace, and Aggregated. Regular line plots produce plots of single variables. Double-Y line plots produce two line plots with the first variable plotted against a scale displayed on the left y-axis and the second variable plotted against a scale displayed on the right y-axis. Multiple line plots produce plots of multiple variables against a common y-axis scale for all. When XY Trace plots are made, a scatterplot of two variables is first created; then the individual data points are connected with a line (in the order in which they are read from the datafile). In this sense, trace plots visualize a "trace" of a sequential process (movement, change of a phenomenon over time, etc.). Aggregated line plots display a sequence of means (i.e., a moving average) for consecutive subsets of a selected variable. You can select the number of consecutive observations from which the mean will be calculated and if desired, the range of values in each subset will be displayed as well by whisker-type range bars.

See also, Conceptual Overviews - 2D Line Plots (Variables).