Graphs - 3D XYZ Graphs - Scatterplots

Select Scatterplots from the Graphs - 3D XYZ Graphs menu to display the 3D Scatterplots dialog. 3D scatterplots visualize a relationship between three or more variables, representing the X, Y, and one or more Z (vertical) coordinates of each point in three-dimensional space. You can select one of several types of graphs: Scatterplot, Space Plot, Spectral Plot, Deviation Plot, or Trace Plot.

Use Scatterplots to visualize the relationship between three (or more) variables using X, Y, and Z coordinates in a three-dimensional representation with the x-, y-, and z-axes at the edges of a cube. Space Plots move the z-axis to the center of the plot and allow the x-y plane to be placed at a specified point on the z-axis. Use Spectral Plots to explore relationships among three variables by compressing the data into a specified number of planes. Values of variables X and Z are interpreted as the x- and z-axis coordinates of each point respectively; values of variable Y are clustered into equally spaced values corresponding to the locations of the consecutive spectral planes. In Deviation Plots, data points are represented in 3D space as "deviations" from a specified base level of the z-axis. In Trace Plots, individual data points are connected with a line (in the order in which they were read from the datafile), visualizing a "trace" of sequential values.

See also, Conceptual Overviews - 3D Scatterplots.