Graphs - Graphs of Input Data - Matrix Scatterplot - Casewise MD Deletion

Select Casewise MD Deletion from the Graphs - Graphs of Input Data - Matrix Scatterplot menu to produce a visual (scatterplot) representation of the correlations between several variables in a matrix format using casewise missing data deletion. In Matrix Scatterplots, one or two lists of variables can be selected in the Select Variables for Matrix dialog, and one scatterplot is generated for each pair of variables. If you select all of the variables in only the first list, then a square matrix of scatterplots is produced. You can generate a rectangular matrix of scatterplots by selecting only specific variables in the first list and then a different set of variables in the second list. When the scatterplots are generated, the cases that have missing data in at least one of the selected variables, will be excluded from each scatterplot. With this type of missing data deletion, all scatterplots will be based on the same set of observations. However, you could easily end up with no valid cases if the missing data are randomly distributed across cases, because each of them might have at least one missing data value for one of the selected variables.