Leading key is an identification character in Microsoft New Phonetic used for special functions. The default leading key is ` symbol. Press the leading key to access special function mode, and then type a special function code that can be recognized by the leading key.
In Microsoft New Phonetic, leading key provides the following functions:
Press the leading key (`)+ a punctuation key to get a full-width symbol. For example, type "` [" to get "¡e".
Press the leading key (`)+U, and then type the Unicode of the character you want to enter. For example, type "` u4e00" to get "¤@".
Press the leading key (`)+B, and then type the Big5 code of the character you want to enter. For example, type "`ba440" to get "¤@".
Press the leading key (`)+P+the shortcut key of the user define phrase you want to enter, and then press Enter.