| Name | Description | Value |
ThumbsPerPage.K1X2 | Fits one row on the page; the row contains two thumbnails. | 1949399090 =
ThumbsPerPage.K2X2 | Fits two rows of two. | 1949464626 =
ThumbsPerPage.K3X3 | Fits three rows of three. | 1949530163 =
ThumbsPerPage.K4X4 | Fits four rows of four. | 1949595700 =
ThumbsPerPage.K5X5 | Fits five rows of five. | 1949661237 =
ThumbsPerPage.K6X6 | Fits six rows of six. | 1949726774 =
ThumbsPerPage.K7X7 | Fits seven rows of seven. | 1949792311 =