Notify Property (Multimedia MCI Control)


Determines if the next MCI command uses MCI notification services. If set to True, the Notify property generates a callback event (Done), which occurs when the next MCI command is complete. This property is not available at design time.


[form.]MMControl.Notify[ = {True | False}]


The following table lists the Notify property settings for the Multimedia MCI control.

Setting Description
False (Default) The next command does not generate the Done event.
True The next command generates the Done event.

The value assigned to this property is used only with the next MCI command. Subsequent MCI commands ignore the Notify property until it is assigned another (different or identical) value.

Note   A notification message is aborted when you send a new command that prevents the callback conditions set by a previous command, from being satisfied. For example, to restart a paused device that does not support the MCI Resume command, the Multimedia MCI control sends the Play command to the paused device. However, the Play command that restarts the device sets callback conditions, superseding callback conditions and pending notifications from earlier commands.

Data Type

Integer (Boolean)