PieWeightBasis Constants

The VtChPieWeightBasis constants provide options for displaying pie chart slices.

Constant Description
VtChPieWeightBasisNone All pies are drawn the same size.
VtChPieWeightBasisTotal The slice values in each pie are totaled and the pie with the highest total identified. The size of each pie in the chart is determined by the ratio of its total value compared to the largest pie.
VtChPieWeightBasisSeries The first column of data in the data grid holds the relative size index. In other words, if you have 5 categories, you can control the size of the pies representing each category by using the first column of the data grid to number the rows 1 through 5. The size of the pie is determined by the ratio of its first column value and the largest value in the first column. The pie containing the 1 is the largest pie; the one containing the 5 the smallest. It is most common to exclude this first column of data so that the values are not drawn as a pie slice.