AxisTitleUpdated Event


Occurs when an axis title has changed.


Private Sub object_AxisTitleUpdated ( axisId As Integer, axisIndex As Integer, updateFlags As Integer)

The AxisTitleUpdated event syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
axisId Integer. An integer that identifies a specific axis.
axisIndex Integer. An integer reserved for future use. For this version of MSChart control, 1 is the only valid value for this argument.
updateFlags Integer. An integer that provides information about the update of the title.


The event handler determines which axis title is updated and sets axisId to:

Constants Value Description
VtChAxisIdX 0 If the x axis is affected.
VtChAxisIdY 1 If the y axis is affected.
VtChAxisIdY2 2 If the secondary y axis is affected.
VtChAxisIdZ 3 If the z axis is affected.
VtChAxisIDNone 4 No axis.

The following table lists the constants for updateFlags.

Constants Description
VtChNoDisplay Absence of update flags; the chart display is not affected. (Defined as 0.)
VtChDisplayPlot Update will cause the plot to repaint.
VtChLayoutPlot Update will cause the plot to lay out.
VtChDisplayLegend Update will cause the legend to repaint.
VtChLayoutLegend Update will cause the legend to lay out.
VtChLayoutSeries Update will cause the series to lay out.
VtChPositionSection A chart section has been moved or resized.