The following example sets the title location for a chart using the Location object. To try the example, draw an MSChart and a ComboBox control on a form. Paste the code into the Form object's code module, and run the project. Click the ComboBox to change the title location.
Option Explicit
Private Sub Combo1_Click()
MSChart1.Title.Location.LocationType = Combo1.ListIndex
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
' Set Title Text.
With MSChart1
.TitleText = "Test Title Location"
.Title.Location.Visible = True
End With
' Add LocationType constants to ComboBox.
With Combo1
.AddItem "VtChLocationTypeTopLeft" ' 0
.AddItem "VtChLocationTypeTop" ' 1
.AddItem "VtChLocationTypeTopRight" ' 2
.AddItem "VtChLocationTypeLeft" ' 3
.AddItem "VtChLocationTypeRight" ' 4
.AddItem "VtChLocationTypeBottomLeft" ' 5
.AddItem "VtChLocationTypeBottom" ' 6
.AddItem "VtChLocationTypeBottomRight" ' 7
.AddItem "VtChLocationTypeCustom" ' 8
.ListIndex = 0
End With
End Sub