PlotBase Object Example

The following example sets the chart base parameters on a three-dimensional bar chart.

Private Sub Command1_Click()
   ' Change the chart type to 3D.
   MSChart1.ChartType = VtChChartType3dBar
   With MSChart1.Plot.PlotBase
      ' Change the base height.
      .BaseHeight = 20
      ' Use the pattern style for base.
      .Brush.Style = VtBrushStylePattern
      .Brush.Index = VtBrushPatternHorizontal
      .Brush.FillColor.Set 255, 160, 160
      .Brush.PatternColor.Set 180, 180, 255
      .Pen.Style = VtPenStyleSolid
      .Pen.VtColor.Set 72, 72, 255
   End With
End Sub