Returns the number of annotation groups that are on an image page.
Image Edit control
The AnnotationGroupCount is used as the upper bound value when indexing through all of the annotation groups.
When a new annotation group is created, the AnnotationGroupCount is not incremented until at least one annotation mark is added to the group.
Available at run-time as read-only.
The Display method must be invoked prior to reading this property.
Annotation topics in Imaging Concepts
Display method
GetAnnotationGroup method
GetAnnotationMarkCount method
SetCurrentAnnotationGroup method
Returns or sets the fully-qualified filename of an image file.
Image Annotation Tool Button control, Image Edit control
The name must be a fully-qualified filename. File extensions are required as part of the filename.
The image file specified will be combined with the image currently displayed by the Image Edit control when the annotation is applied.
The AnnotationImage property is used with the following annotation types:
Image Embedded
Image Reference
Annotation topics in Imaging Concepts
AnnotationType property
Display method
GetSelectedAnnotationImage method
Image topics in Imaging Concepts
Returns or sets the line color for line and Hollow Rectangle annotation objects.
Image Annotation Tool Button control, Image Edit control
Use the RGB format. RGB (Red Green Blue) values range from 0 to 16,777,215 (&HFFFFFF). The high byte of a number in this range equals 0; the lower 3 bytes, from least to most significant byte, determine the amount of red, green, and blue, respectively. The red, green, and blue components are each represented by a number between 0 and 255 (&HFF).
The default color is red (255, 0, 0).
The AnnotationLineColor property is used with the following annotation types:
Freehand Line
Hollow Rectangle
Straight Line
Annotation topics in Imaging Concepts
AnnotationType property
GetSelectedAnnotationLineColor method
SetSelectedAnnotationLineColor method