BurnInAnnotations Method

Burns annotations onto an image, causing them to be permanently incorporated into the image. Use this method with caution because once annotations are burned-in, they can no longer be removed or modified.

Applies To

Image Edit control


object.BurnInAnnotations Option,MarkOption[,GroupName]



                                                    Data Type






All annotations marks, invisible and visible, are saved to the base image


All annotations that are visible are saved to the base image


All annotations that are selected are saved to the base image

(Refer to the Notes section following this list for more information.)



Changes annotations to black (on black-and-white images only)


Changes annotations to white (on black-and-white images only)


Default rendering -- Does not change the colors of annotations for non-bilevel images (for example, color and gray-scale images)




The name of the group that contains the annotations (if specified, the Option parameter is ignored)

Notes Regarding the Use of the MarkOption Parameter

MarkOption Set to 0

For black-and-white image types, the BurnInAnnotations method with a MarkOption of 0 changes annotations to black.

MarkOption Set to 1

For black-and-white image types, the BurnInAnnotations method with a MarkOption of 1 changes annotations to white.

MarkOption Set to 2

For black-and-white image types, the BurnInAnnotations method with a MarkOption of 2 changes annotations to black, white, or black-and-white dither patterns based on the type of annotation mark, its color, and its transparency setting. Refer to the following list:

Annotation Type

MarkOption2 Burn-In Format


Burned-in as a black or white rectangle based on the original background color, with text burned-in as black or white based on the original color of the font. Light colors, like yellow, are burned-in as white; dark colors, like red, are burned-in as black. The underlying image data is obscured.

Freehand Line,
Hollow Rectangle,
Straight Line,
Text From File, and
Text Stamp

Burned-in as black or white based on the original color of the annotation. Light colors, like yellow, are burned-in as white; dark colors, like red, are burned-in as black.

Filled Rectangle

Burned-in as black-and-white dithered rectangles. The underlying image data is obscured.


Burned-in as black-and-white transparent dithered rectangles. The underlying image data is visible.

Image Embedded and
Image Reference

Burned-in as a black-and-white representation of the original image.

For all other image types, the BurnInAnnotations method with a MarkOption of 2 burns annotations onto the image using the displayed colors. Then it converts the image to a 24-bit color image (BGR24 or RGB24). Because 24-bit color images require a large amount of memory and disk space, use caution when selecting this option. To minimize the memory and disk space requirements of 24-bit color images, you can use the SaveAs method to save the 24-bit color images as 8-bit Palettized images.

To save color annotations on a black-and-white image, use the ConvertPageType method to convert the image to a page type other than black-and-white. Then invoke the BurnInAnnotations method with a Mark Option of 2; the BurnInAnnotations method burns the annotations onto the image in color.

Return Value



After invoking the BurnInAnnotations method, the Save or SaveAs method must be invoked to save the combined image and annotation.

When a GroupName is specified, the Option parameter is ignored and all annotation marks in the specified GroupName are burned-in.

See Also

Annotation topics in Imaging Concepts

ConvertPageType method

Display method

Image topics in Imaging Concepts

Save method

SaveAs method