The Image Thumbnail control displays thumbnail views of the images contained in an image file in uniformly sized and spaced frames called thumbnail boxes. Thumbnails are useful for displaying each page of a multipage image file in a miniature format. When you specify an image file, thumbnail representations of images are generated and buffered for use. You can use the buffered thumbnails or choose to regenerate thumbnails to reflect subsequent changes made to the image file, such as inserted or deleted pages, or alterations made to pages (annotations).
The Thumbnail control can be configured to scroll either vertically or horizontally. When scrolled vertically, thumbnails are displayed sequentially from the top left, across the rows and down to the bottom right. When scrolled horizontally, thumbnails are displayed sequentially from the top left, down the columns and across to the bottom right. The scroll bar is displayed only when there are more thumbnails available than can fit in the control's window. A scrollbar is never displayed in the non-scrolling direction.
You can change the size of the thumbnail boxes collectively, making them smaller, to fit more into the control's window, or making them larger to see more detail. The views displayed in the thumbnail boxes maintain the same aspect ratio (height to width relationship) as the image pages they represent.
Although the Thumbnail control can only display views of the image, it can be used in conjunction with the Admin control to add or delete pages in the image file.
You can also choose to display text labels beneath the thumbnails, and assign different fonts, colors, and styles to the labels.