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    ULONG cViews, 
    IOleDocumentView * rgpView, 
    [out] ULONG * pcFetched);

Enumerates the next cViews elements in the enumerator's list, returning them in rgpView, along with the actual number of enumerated elements in pcFetched. The enumerator object is responsible for calling IUnknown::AddRef and the caller is responsible for calling IUnknown::Release on each pointer returned in rgpView.

[in] Number of IOleDocumentView pointers to be written to the array pointed to by rgpView. If pcFetched is NULL, this argument must be 1.
[out, max_is(cViews)] Address of an array of IOleDocumentView pointers that receive the enumerated interfaces. The caller is responsible for allocating this array, and the array must be able to contain at least the number of elements specified in cViews.
[out] Address of a ULONG variable that receives the actual number of views enumerated in the rgpView parameter. This argument can be NULL, in which case the cViews argument must be 1.

E_NOTIMPL is not allowed by this method as a return value. If an error value is returned, no entries in the rgpView array are valid and no calls to IUnknown::Release are required.

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