AdoEnums (ADO/WFC Syntax)

To use AdoEnums, specify the fully qualified name of the enumerated constant. For example, the first constant in the AdoEnums.Schema class is AdoEnums.Schema.PROVIDERSPECIFIC.

Each topic lists the values of the constants. However, use the constant names, not the values. The values are subject to change between releases.

The tables that follow contain three headings that pertain to the core ADO documentation.

The following enumerations are defined in ADO/WFC.

AdcPropAsyncThreadPriority DataType ObjectState
AdcPropUpdateCriteria EditMode ParameterAttributes
Affect ErrorValue ParameterDirection
Bookmark EventReason PersistFormat
CommandType EventStatus Position
Compare ExecuteOption PropertyAttributes
ConnectMode FieldAttribute RecordStatus
ConnectOption FilterGroup Resync
ConnectPrompt GetRowsOption Schema
CursorLocation IsolationLevel SearchDirection
CursorOption LockType StringFormat
CursorType MarshalOptions XactAttribute