Find Method (ADO)


Searches a Recordset for the record that satisfies the specified criteria. If the criteria is met, the recordset position is set on the found record; otherwise, the position is set on the end of the recordset.


Find (criteria, SkipRows, searchDirection, start)


criteria   A String containing a statement that specifies the column name, comparison operator, and value to use in the search.

SkipRows   An optional Long value, whose default value is zero, that specifies the offset from the current row or start bookmark to begin the search.

searchDirection   An optional SearchDirectionEnum value that specifies whether the search should begin on the current row or the next available row in the direction of the search. Its value can be adSearchForward or adSearchBackward. The search stops at the start or end of the recordset, depending on the value of searchDirection.

start   An optional Variant bookmark to use as the starting position for the search.


The comparison operator in criteria may be ">" (greater than), "<" (less than), "=" (equal), or "like" (pattern matching).

The value in criteria may be a string, floating point number, or date. String values are delimited with single quotes (for example, "state = 'WA'"). Date values are delimited with "#" (number sign) marks (for example, "start_date > #7/22/97#").

If the comparison operator is "like", the string value may contain "*" (one or more occurrences of any character) or "_" (one occurrence of any character). (For example, "state like M_*" matches Maine and Massachusetts.)