OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Jet


The OLE DB Provider for Microsoft® Jet allows ADO to access Microsoft Jet databases.

Connection String Parameters

To connect to this provider, set the Provider argument of the ConnectionString property to:


Reading the Provider property will return this string as well.

The OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Jet supports several provider-specific connection parameters in addition to those defined by ADO. As with all other connection parameters, they can be set via the Connection object's Properties collection or as part of the connection string.

Parameter Description
Jet OLEDB:System Database The path and file name for the workgroup information file.
Jet OLEDB:Registry Path The Windows registry key that contains values for the Microsoft Jet database engine.
Jet OLEDB:Database Password The database password.

By default, the OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Jet opens Microsoft Jet databases in read/write mode. To open a database in read-only mode, set the Mode property on the ADO Connection object to adModeRead.

Command Object Usage

Command text in the Command object uses the Jet SQL dialect. You can specify row-returning queries, action queries, and table names in the command text; however, stored procedures are not supported and should not be specified.

Recordset Behavior

The Microsoft Jet database engine does not support dynamic cursors. Therefore, the OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Jet does not support the adLockDynamic cursor type. When a dynamic cursor is requested, the provider will return a keyset cursor and reset the CursorType property to indicate the type of Recordset returned. Further, if an updatable Recordset is requested (LockType is adLockOptimistic, adLockBatchOptimistic, or adLockPessimistic) the provider will also return a keyset cursor and reset the CursorType property.

See Also   For specific implementation details and functional information about the OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Jet, consult the OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Jet documentation in the Data Access SDK.