RDS Tutorial


This tutorial illustrates using the RDS programming model to query and update a data source. First, it describes the steps necessary to accomplish this task. Then the tutorial is repeated in Microsoft® Visual Basic®, Scripting Edition and Microsoft® Visual J++™, featuring ADO for Windows Foundation Classes (ADO/WFC).

This tutorial is coded in different languages for two reasons:

How the Tutorial is Presented

This tutorial is based on the RDS programming model. It discusses each step of the programming model individually. In addition, it illustrates each step with a fragment of Visual Basic code.

The code example is repeated in other languages with minimal discussion. Each step in a given programming language tutorial is marked with the corresponding step in the programming model and descriptive tutorial. Use the number of the step to refer to the discussion in the descriptive tutorial.

The RDS programming model is stated below. Use it as a roadmap as you proceed through the tutorial.

RDS Programming Model with Objects

Next   Step 1