Browsing a WinNT Directory Service

To browse through a WinNT Directory Service using a browser such as the Active Directory VB Browser that comes with the ADSI SDK as a VB sample application, you can start with the "WinNT:" namespace object and expand it. You do not have to know the name of a specific server to view it on your network.

The figure below shows an expanded version of an ADSI WinNT provider namespace object.

In this view, the WinNT namespace object contains the domain object "MYDOMAIN", which contains a computer object "MYCOMPUTER", which contains a user object "Administrator", a service object "EventLog", and a group object "Users". (The list of contents for the computer object continues beyond what is visible in this screen.) What you see when you look at your expanded WinNT namespace object is one node for every Windows NT domain, server, workstation, or computer on the net. For further information about these object types, see WinNT Schema.