After the Dust Has Settled

Visual Basic was an innovation. Five years ago, the Windows programming club was an exclusive one, and coding for Windows was intensely technical: virtuosity in C was the entrance requirement, and becoming productive relied on mastery of the arcane Windows API. Visual Basic changed all that, opening up Windows programming to all comers and pioneering whole new development cycles by making rapid GUI prototyping a reality.

But there is a darker side. By eliminating the obscure programmatic hoops we must jump through even to display anything on the screen, Visual Basic has taken the technical edge off Windows development, and from the wrong perspective this can have dangerous consequences. Behind the GUI facade, developers face the same problems of design, verification, construction, redesign, testing, and change management that they always have, and without conscientious technical management, these fundamentals can take a back seat while the product is “prototyped” to market.

To ensure success in a Visual Basic project, you need to concentrate on development fundamentals as much as on the database design and graphical veneer, and you must quash unreasonable productivity expectations. Visual Basic is a tinkerer’s delight, but the delusion of Visual Basic programming as child’s play is short-lived and a recipe for disaster. A Visual Basic project can seem like a whirlwind of fantastic productivity—for the first few months. Only after the dust has settled is the truth apparent: excellent applications happen by design, not by accident.