Mark is a Director and a cofounder of TMS. He is TMS’s expert on software development processes, project management, and team structures. Mark is a Microsoft Visual Basic Certified Professional; cowrote a Visual Basic programmer’s product, “TMS Tools”; teaches Visual Basic; and project managed the development of MicroHelp’s Code Complete. Mark has presented at VBITS and other conferences and writes many articles. He previously worked for Price Waterhouse, Logica, Sema Group, and IBM. He likes to spend most of his spare time with his wife and children, avoiding anything to do with computers.
Alan is a TMS Associate who specializes in client/server design and project management. He started his career writing protocols and building cables to connect early microcomputers to Datapoint minis. Alan moved on to a major IBM MVS shop to write graphics and systems management utilities. Alan has since worked as designer, project manager, and consultant in IBM mainframe, AS/400, UNIX, Unisys, and PC environments.