Infrastructure Requirements
As well as finding people who possess the necessary skills to work on your project, you need to put an appropriate infrastructure in place. These infrastruc-ture requirements should be implemented in parallel with the development of the pilot project. Be sure to allow adequate time in the schedules for these extra tasks.
Infrastructure Requirements
Corporate Visual Basic 5 client/server architecture and strategy
General application design standards
Data design standards
Client/server guidelines (such as connectivity method, use of stored procedures)
GUI style guide
Coding standards
Distribution, installation, implementation, and upgrade guidelines
Development environments (such as development, test, and production servers)
Source control software and associated procedures
Powerful, standardized developers’ PCs fully configured with Visual Basic, Microsoft Access, relevant (and tested) custom controls, and a range of supporting utilities and tools
Fully configured and tested server database with associated tools to add test data, stored procedures, and the like
Fully implemented and tested workstation-to-server connectivity (should include network software, ODBC drivers, and so on)
Education and training of those providing any of the above or filling technical roles