TMS is a British “Windows only” software house that specializes in the Microsoft Visual tool set—that is, Visual Basic, Visual J++, and Visual C++. It is also a Microsoft Solution Provider.

TMS was the company behind the successful TMS Tools developer’s toolkit for Visual Basic 3 and MicroHelp’s Code Complete Visual Basic 4 developer’s toolkit, which was widely acclaimed as one of the developer tools of the year in 1996.

TMS has an excellent reputation for creating innovative solutions and technologies and is recognized as one of the most technically proficient companies in the industry today. The company provides a wide range of development and consulting services to a mainly blue-chip client list. For full details, take a look at the TMS Web site at:

You can also contact TMS directly at:

Mandel House, West End
Northleach, Gloucestershire
GL54 3HG England

Telephone: 44 (0)1451 861212
Fax: 44 (0)1451 861122

The manuscript for this book was prepared and submitted to Microsoft Press in electronic form. Text files were prepared using Microsoft Word 97. Pages were composed by Microsoft Press using Adobe PageMaker 6.5 for Windows, with text in Melior and display type in Imago Extra Bold. Composed pages were delivered to the printer as electronic prepress files.

Cover Graphic Designer

Tim Girvin Design

Cover Illustrator

Glenn Mitsui

Interior Graphic Designer

Kim Eggleston

Interior Graphic Artist

Michael Victor

Principal Compositor

Jeffrey Brendecke

Principal Proofreader/Copy Editor

Shawn Peck


Hugh Maddocks