Add New Menu Dialog Box (Application Wizard)

Allows you to create new menu or submenu items. The new menu name or submenu item appears at the end of the Menu or Submenu list. Use the arrow keys to move the item, or drag the menu or submenu item into the position you want.


Menu Caption

Allows you to enter the menu or command name that you want to appear on your menu bar or in a menu.

To give the user keyboard access to a menu item, insert an ampersand (&) before a letter. At run time, this letter is underlined (the ampersand is not visible), and the user can access the menu or command by pressing ALT and the letter. If you need an ampersand to show in the menu, put two consecutive ampersands in the caption.

Menu Name

Allows you to enter a control name for the menu item. A control name is an identifier used only to access the menu item in code; it doesn't appear in a menu.