The Font Object

The Font object may be appropriate for some applications. The properties Application, Bold, Italic, Parent, and Size are required; other properties are optional. The Font object should have the following properties.

Property name Return type Description
Application VT_DISPATCH Returns the Application object; read only. Required.
Bold VT_BOOL Sets or returns True if the font is bold, otherwise False; read/write. Required.
Color VT_I4 Sets or returns the RGB color of the font; read/write.
Italic VT_BOOL Sets or returns True if the font is italic; otherwise False, read/write. Required.
Name VT_BSTR Returns the name of the font; read only.
OutlineFont VT_BOOL Sets or returns True if the font is scaleable, otherwise False. For example, bitmapped fonts are not scaleable, whereas TrueTypeŽ fonts are scaleable; read/write.
Parent VT_DISPATCH Returns the parent of the Font object; read only. Required.
Shadow VT_BOOL Sets or returns True if the font appears with a shadow, otherwise False; read/write.
Size VT_R4 Sets or returns the point size of the font; read/write. Required.
Strikethrough VT_BOOL Sets or returns True if the font appears with a line running through it, otherwise False; read/write.
Subscript VT_BOOL Sets or returns True if the font is subscripted, otherwise False; read/write.
Superscript VT_BOOL Sets or returns True if the font is superscripted, otherwise False; read/write.