IDispatch Data Types and Structures

The IDispatch interface uses the following data types and structures. For more information on the implementation of the IDispatch interface, see Chapter 5, "Dispatch Interface and API Functions."

Name Purpose
BSTR A length-prefixed string.
CALLCONV Identifies the calling convention used by a member function.
CURRENCY Provides a precise data type of monetary data.
DECIMAL Provides a decimal data type.
DISPID Identifies a method, property, or argument to Invoke.
DISPPARAMS Contains arguments passed to a method or property.
EXCEPINFO Describes an error that occurred during Invoke.
INTERFACEDATA Describes the members of an interface.
LCID Provides locale information for international string comparisons and localized member names.
METHODDATA Describes a method or property.
PARAMDATA Describes a parameter to a method.
VARIANT Describes a VARIANTARG that cannot have the VT_BYREF bit set. Because VT_BYREF is not set, the data of type VARIANT cannot be passed within DISPPARAMS.
VARIANTARG Describes arguments that may be passed within DISPPARAMS.
VARTYPE Identifies the available variant types.
VARENUM Used in VARIANT, TYPEDESC, and OLE (ActiveX) property sets.