ITypeInfo Data Types

ITypeInfo uses the following structures and enumerations. For more information about the ITypeInfo interface , refer to Chapter 9, "Type Description Interfaces."

Name Purpose
ARRAYDESC Array description referenced by TYPEDESC, containing the element type, dimension count, and a variable-length array.
CUSTDATA Structure for retrieving custom data
CUSTDATAITEM Structure containing custom data
ELEMDESC Includes the type description and process-transfer information for a variable, a function, or a function parameter.
FUNCDESC Describes a function.
FUNCFLAGS Enumeration containing constants that are used to define properties of a function.
FUNCKIND Enumeration for defining whether a function is accessed as a virtual, pure virtual, nonvirtual, static, or through IDispatch.
HREFTYPE A handle identifying a type description.
IDLDESC Contains information needed for transferring a structure element, parameter, or function return value between processes. See also ELEMDESC.
PARAMFLAGS Identifies whether the parameter is the return value of a member, the LCID of a client, and passes information from caller to callee, or callee to caller.
IMPLTYPEFLAGS The interface or dispinterface represents the default for the source or sink. This member of a coclass is called rather than implemented. The member should not be displayed or programmable by users, or sinks receive events through the VTBL.
INVOKEKIND Defines how a function is called and invoked. Also passed to IDispatch::Invoke.
MEMBERID Identifies the member in a type description. For IDispatch interfaces, this is the same as a DISPID.
TYPEATTR Contains attributes of ITypeInfo.
TYPEDESC Describes the type of a variable, the return type of a function, or the type of a function parameter.
TYPEFLAGS Defines the properties and attributes of a type description.
TYPEKIND Defines properties of a type.
VARDESC Describes a variable, constant, or data member.
VARFLAGS Used to set attributes of a variable.
VARKIND Defines the kind of variable.