Control |
properties |
State |
Behavior |
Set at
time |
Set at
time |
RightToLeft |
True |
Caption text reading order is RTL.
Caption text is right aligned.
X |
X |
Alignment |
Justify |
Check box is positioned to right of caption.
X |
X |
RightToLeft |
True |
Reading order of list box items and edit box text is RTL.
List box items and edit box text are right aligned.
If property Style is set to Dropdown Combo or Dropdown List, drop-down arrows are on left of combo box.
X |
X |
RightToLeft |
True |
Caption reading order is RTL.
X |
X |
RightToLeft |
True |
Order of navigation buttons flows RTL.
Caption text reading order is RTL.
Caption text is right aligned.
X |
X |
RightToLeft |
True |
Reading order of list box items is RTL and items are right aligned.
Reading order of edit box text is RTL and text is right aligned.
If the property Style=Dropdown Combo or Dropdown List, drop-down arrow is at left of combo box.
X |
X |
RightToLeft |
True |
Grid columns begin at the right boundary of the grid.
Fixed columns are located on the right side of the grid.
LeftCol identifies the rightmost visible column.
SelStartCol and SelStartRow together specify the cell in the upper-right corner of a selected range.
SelEndCol and SelEndRow specify the cell in the lower-left corner of a selected range.
If Scrollbars property is 3, a vertical scroll bar is placed on the left of the grid and a horizontal scroll bar (with scroll box on the right) is placed at the grid bottom.
If Scrollbars property is 1, only a horizontal scroll bar is placed; if 2 only a vertical scroll bar is placed.
Cell values (grid Text property) have RTL reading order.
Data is automatically right aligned in each cell by FixedAlignment and ColAlignment properties to 1-Right aligned.
Cells filled with the Clip property fill from right to left, beginning at the upper rightmost selected cell.
X |
X |
RightToLeft |
True |
Reading order of list box items is RTL.
List box items right aligned.
Vertical scroll bar appears at the left of the list box.
X |
X |
RightToLeft |
True |
If Scrollbars property is 3, a vertical scroll bar is placed on the left of the grid and a horizontal scroll bar (with scroll box on the right) is placed at the grid bottom.
If Scrollbars property is 1, only a horizontal scroll bar is placed; if 2 only a vertical scroll bar is placed.
Grid columns begin at the right boundary of the grid.
X |
X |
RightToLeft |
True |
Reading order of list box items is RTL and items are right aligned.
Reading order of edit box text is RTL and text is right aligned.
If the property Style=Dropdown Combo or Dropdown List, drop-down arrow is at left of combo box.
X |
X |
RightToLeft |
True |
Reading order of list box items is RTL.
List box items right aligned.
Vertical scroll bar appears at the left of the list box.
X |
X |
RightToLeft |
True |
Caption reading order is RTL.
Caption is positioned at the upper-right corner of the frame.
X |
X |
RightToLeft |
True |
Grid columns begin at the right boundary of the grid.
Fixed columns are located on the right side of the grid.
LeftCol identifies the rightmost visible column.
SelStartCol and SelStartRow together specify the cell in the upper-right corner of a selected range.
SelEndCol and SelEndRow specify the cell in the lower-left corner of a selected range.
If Scrollbars property is 3, a vertical scroll bar is placed on the left of the grid and a horizontal scroll bar (with scroll box on the right) is placed at the grid bottom.
If Scrollbars property is 1, only a horizontal scroll bar is placed; if 2 only a vertical scroll bar is placed.
Cell values (grid Text property) have RTL reading order.
Data is automatically right aligned in each cell by FixedAlignment and ColAlignment properties to 1-Right aligned.
Cells filled with the Clip property fill from right to left, beginning at the upper rightmost selected cell.
X |
X |
RightToLeft |
True |
Grid columns begin at the right boundary of the grid.
Fixed columns are located on the right side of the grid.
Cell values have RTL reading order.
ColAlignment property is set to 1-Right Aligned to right align data in each cell.
LeftCol identifies the rightmost visible column (the first column beyond the leftmost fixed column).
If the ScrollBars property is set to 3, a vertical scroll bar is placed on the left of the grid and a horizontal scroll bar with the scroll box on the right is placed at the bottom. A ScrollBars property setting of 1 places only the horizontal scroll bar, while a setting of 2 places only the vertical scroll bar.
Cells filled with the Clip property fill from right to left beginning at the upper rightmost selected cell.
X |
X |
RightToLeft |
True |
Scroll box is placed at the right of the bar when the scroll box position value equals the Min property value.
Scroll box is placed at the left of the bar when the scroll box position value equals the Max property value.
X |
X |
RightToLeft |
True |
Caption text reading order is RTL.
X |
X |
Alignment |
Justify |
Alignment property is set to Right Justify to right align caption text.
X |
X |
RightToLeft |
True |
Reading order of list box items is RTL and items are right aligned.
If the list box scrolls vertically and the list area is smaller than the number of items to be displayed, a drop-down arrow and vertical scrollbar appear at the left of the list box.
If the list box scrolls horizontally, list box items are arranged in snaking columns. If the list area is smaller than the number of items to be displayed, a horizontal scrollbar appears at the bottom of the list box and scroll box position is at the right.
X |
X |
RightToLeft |
True |
Grid columns begin at the right boundary of the grid.
Fixed columns are located on the right side of the grid.
Cell values have RTL reading order.
ColAlignment property is set to 1-Right Aligned to right align data in each cell.
LeftCol identifies the rightmost visible column (the first column beyond the leftmost fixed column).
If the ScrollBars property is set to 3, a vertical scroll bar is placed on the left of the grid and a horizontal scroll bar with the scroll box on the right is placed at the bottom. A ScrollBars property setting of 1 places only the horizontal scroll bar, while a setting of 2 places only the vertical scroll bar.
Cells filled with the Clip property fill from right to left beginning at the upper rightmost selected cell.
X |
X |
RightToLeft |
True |
Caption reading order is RTL.
Caption text is right aligned.
X |
X |
Alignment |
Justify |
Alignment property is set to Right Justify to place option button to the right of the caption.
X |
X |
RightToLeft |
True |
Text reading order is RTL.
Text begins at the right boundary of the picture box.
X |
X |
RightToLeft |
True |
Text reading order is RTL.
X |
X |
Alignment |
Justify |
Alignment property is set to Right Justify to right align text.
If the MultiLine property is set to True, the Alignment property also determines scroll bar placement. If the Scrollbars property is set to: (2 or 3) a vertical scroll bar is placed on the left of the text box; (1 or 3) a horizontal scroll bar, with scroll box on the right, is placed on the bottom.
X |
X |